Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Making Time for YOU

In our fast paced, hectic lives these days, I know many people have difficulty trying to get everything done, much less finding the time to take care of themselves!!  It's like we need more hours in the day!!  I find this especially true for moms!  Moms who have small children and/or work outside the home barely have the time and energy to fit in all the mom duties much less find time to take care of themselves.  Need to fit in your workouts? Want to get a pedicure or facial?  How about just a nap?  Maybe you just need a date with your husband or a night out with the girls??  The question is WHEN??  I know, I know... there are kids to feed and bathe, a house to clean (multiple times per day if your children are little), laundry to do, errands to run, meals to be cooked, bills to pay, homework to be done, and OH let's not forget that Mom needs a shower too!!!  I know; I've ben there! Even though my kids are a little older and don't "need" me as much any more, sometimes I still wonder, "Hmm, when can I get to the gym today or fit in a pedicure?" because of their events...sports, guitar lessons, parent-teacher meetings, and running them around everywhere like a taxi cab service!  Something my mom told me when my oldest was a baby, and it's very true, is that if you take care of you, you will be a better mom!!  When I started taking time to take care of myself, I did become a better mom!  I was more calm, more patient, less stressed, and had something to look forward to besides dirty diapers, messes to clean up, and baby talk.  I think for a while I forgot how to have an adult conversation!!  
Ok, Ok, so WHEN???  Some people find it easiest to go to the gym early in the morning while their kids are still asleep and the husband is home.  I used to wait until my husband was home in the evenings to get myself to the gym.  Then, I realized that it's not gonna hurt my kids to take them to the kids club at the gym either! So, they started going with me.  At least I got two hours to myself and to be around adults!  As far as other things, like getting pampered or going on a date with my husband or the girls, I scheduled it in, as if it were an appointment! Make a promise to yourself NOT to cancel these appointments!  Your kids will survive with a babysitter or your husband!  if the dishes or laundry aren't finished, guess what??  They'll be there tomorrow OR God forbid, you have your husband do it!  If you're not married (I was a single mom too for several years) then the dishes and laundry won't go anywhere...I promise...they'll still be there tomorrow.  
Taking time for YOU doesn't make you a selfish or bad mom! In fact, you'll be a happier mom!  Make appointments for yourself to take care of you! You'll be glad you did!

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