Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Barcelona AZ 99 Girls

Nearly a month ago,  I had the opportunity to speak to a group of girls and their parents at their soccer end of the season banquet/dinner.  Their coach and his wife are friends of mine from the gym.  They are the Barcelona AZ 99 Girls!  Coach Jimmy threw them a nice banquet, where they all got to get all dressed up and have a nice dinner with the team and all the parents.  This was a pretty special night for them.  Anyway,  I knew I was going to share my story with them, but I also wanted to speak about topics that are relevant to 13 yr. old girls and make an impact on them.  I spoke a lot about learning to love yourself and being true to who you are, rather than following the crowd to fit into what "they" want you to be.  I spoke about following your dreams, setting goals and going after them.  I spoke about what it takes to get where you want to go in life.....it's not always easy!  It takes self discipline, hard work, sacrifice, and dedication, and NO EXCUSES!  I did go into the "CAN'T" is NOT an Option speech.  Of course, I used examples for all of the above.  I think it went well, and Coach Jimmy and his wife Sammie have since told me that they had a lot of positive feedback from the parents.  The girls seemed to enjoy it as well.  They really opened up and got into it when we had some Q & A time:)  I know how difficult it can be at times to be a 13 yr. old girl, and I only hope that what I had to say to them got through to them in some way.  I hope that the words I spoke to them got into their heads and their hearts.  I hope that when they are going through certain situations, they recall the things I said that night.  They sure are a good group of girls, and I want to share with you a photo that they sent to me.  Thank you, Coach Jimmy, Sammie, and all Barcelona AZ 99 Girls (and parents!)

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